b_independent permalink
There are a ton of problems with bitcoins. 1. Most people don't know what they are. 2. You can already buy stuff you want without them. 3. The miners are very expensive - enough to keep the majority out of the market (and you can't effectively use your computer anymore because of the hash rate). 4. People generally aren't going to spend the money to express themselves for something they believe in like you are. 5. Most people are apathetic when it comes to anything outside pop culture. 6. Gary's right about a few things: the wild price swings and people buying it solely because they think it's going up in price are going to scare others away. 7. See #1. 8. See #5.
Being passionate about who you are and proud of your values is pure awesomeness. It's a strong article. There doesn't seem to be any such thing as good government anymore. Gary's probably an outlier based on the libertarian articles I see. He's the only one I've read so far who's against it. But an economic argument isn't going to get people to use bitcoins. Get Justin Bieber and Katy Perry to use them. That will make a difference.